– Inspired or assisted by community feedback!
Note: You should see 1.16 in-game once you have the update.
+ Settings
+ Reconnection
+ UI Clarity updates
Performance & Graphical Settings Update
With this new update comes our new settings update, that will allow our players more flexibility with their graphical settings.
Players will now be able to change brightness, render & shadow quality, anti-aliasing and targeted frame rates. With toggleable opinions for bloom, exposure, camera vignette.
Reconnection System
This system is in a beta phase. Our initial goal is to support players who have client crashes, and players who are disconnected due to server issues.
Though this is not the final version, we feel comfortable about its current working state to release. If you have any issues related to reconnection, please be sure to submit a bug report!
UI Quality Of Life Improvements
Committed to our on-going mission for improvements, we’ve taken on your feedback and addressed a handful of UI Clarity improvements. With this update, we’ve included a new fighter hud and text pop-ups for special effects.
For additional information about this current update (inlcuding card and bug fixes) be sure to check out our Patch notes over on Steam, or by clicking here.